28, 2008 |
the campy 'Batman' TV series from the 60s? That one with Adam
West as the caped crusader and Burt Ward as The Boy Wonder?
Cesar Romero was the Joker, Frank Gorshin was the Riddler,
and when they got in fights you saw 'POW!' 'KA-BLAM!' and
'ZOWEEEE!' on the screen? Great stuff, right?
take the Batman you remember from that show - Turn the lights
way down, Turn the sound way up, paint everything black, increase
the killing, gun fire, explosions and human fatalities by
about 500%, toss in Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, shake
very, very violently for 2 and a half frickin' hours, and
you have some taste of what 'The Dark Knight' is all about.
Fair warning.
This is not ain't your 'Feel Good Movie of the Summer' people.
This is an intense, dark, dreadful, gloom-and-doom spectacle
that is so devoid of life, joy, and any sense of hope for
the human race, that it left us all wrung out and depressed.
Bros. Entertainment
is the big movie that everybody is talking about, right?
'The Dark Knight'? The one that has made $300 million dollars
in 10 days? The blockbuster that isn't just for comic book
nerds but for audiences of all types? The movie that Richard
Roeper feels is 'the best superhero movie ever' and 'should
be nominated for Best Picture.' That's this movie?
it to say, I could not disagree more.
Bale [lower left] as Batman and billionaire Bruce Wayne,
and the late Heath Ledger [right] as The Joker, are
certainly the highlights, performance-wise.
take on the insane, clown-faced villain is effectively creepy
and strange. He's sort of like Al Pacino's Big Boy Caprice
in 'Dick Tracy' combined with Jim Morrison.
Eckard (Harvey Dent). Gary Oldham (Lieutenant Gordon) do fine
work too, but beyond the quirkiness and improvised lines from
The Joker, not much is left.
Bros. Entertainment
The plot
is incredibly thin, retreading the tired 'corrupt cops are
as evil as the criminals' story.
The pacing
is as insane as The Joker. One minute, we're watching a stand-off
in a bank where 75 people are going to be mowed down by machine
guns, the next minute we're listening to Michael Caine lecture
Christian Bale for the 7th time.
Next we
see the Batmobile tearing down Sumac Avenue with more guns
and exploding police cars careening into Lake Michigan, then
we cut to Wayne's penthouse, as Christian Bale looks longingly
into the face his girlfriend (Maggie Gyllenhaal).
Bros. Entertainment
gadgets are cool enough, but the batsuit doesn't seem all that
different from the one Michael Keaton wore 20 years ago in 'Batman.'
The CGI was used economically, but effectively. Espeically good
is a scene where a man's face is burned off. (Of course it is).
Gross, but a seamless special effect nonetheless.
more is needed here than neat looking cars and souped up cellphones.
Hans Zimmer's soundtrack is less about music and more just
orchestrated pounding.
The volume
of this movie is out of control. Guns blast. Tires screech.
Glass shatters. And all with a heart-thumping throb that after
150 minutes, starts to make you feel sick.
Bros. Entertainment
'As a
whole, 'The Dark Knight' is a big, unpleasant roller coaster
ride. The producers made the classic comic book adaptation
boo-boo. If we don't care about the characters, there's no
poor Gotham City inhabitants plod along in their dreadful,
lifeless world, waiting for someone to save them. And with
the exception of two desperate kisses - both with the peculiar
looking Gyllenhaal - none of of these people ever connect.
Unless they're being punched or kicked or thrown up against
a wall, no one even touches anyone else. I
wanted to scream Wake up! Get a life! Get out of the dark
and take a vacation for cryin' out loud!
Holy Disappointment,
for the record, my 2 1/2 hotdogs are only for Heath Ledger.
The acting from everyone else was so-so, the movie was loud
(I had to plug my ears during some scenes), boring and pointless.
It felt like eveyone hated each other. I have to say it,
but in some scenes, I was so bored, I was rooting for The
Joker! If you're gonna be a movie that's as anticipated
as this...please at least deliver.
and a half out of 5 hot dogs
I had any idea that this movie was going to be so violent,
I never would have endured it. It was so gratuitous and excessive,
that it just didn't make any sense. Heath Ledger was great
and Christian Bale was too, but that was it for me. I can't
believe this is 'The Dark Knight.'
out of 5 hot dogs
The Grinch would say 'All the noise, noise, noise...' I did
notice on one of the previews before Batman, it read 'Rated
PG [This movie contains depictions of tobacco use]. Well, thank
goodness we have a new special warning about cigarettes! Killing,
maiming, torture, and child endangerment are okay. It's them
nasty cancer sticks! |
out of 5 hot dogs